Saturday morning, five o'clock. France has just beaten Togo 2 to 0. I haven't slept the whole night. As another half hour won't make a difference, I decide to go for a little walk in the quiet streets. All iron curtains are pulled down and the passers-by are really scarce, for once. I haven't found any fresh croissants but some steam-cooked bread rolls filled with vegetables, as delicious as croissants would have been. Then I finally go to sleep.
Le bâtiment où j'ai mon appartement, le dernier en haut à droite. Il est cinq heures et il fait bleu.
The building of my appartment, on the last floor, far right. It's five in the morning and everything's blue.

The building of my appartment, on the last floor, far right. It's five in the morning and everything's blue.
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